The Conference, “Light Cone 2021: Physics of Hadrons on the Light Front,” will be held at Jeju island, Korea from November 29 to December 4, 2021. This is the latest in the series of conferences ( ) that, beginning in 1991, have played an important role in promoting research towards a rigorous description of hadrons and nuclei based on light front quantization methods. The aim of this meeting will be to create a scientific program that will stimulate developments in research at the forefront of nuclear, hadron and particle physics research.We are hoping to have a diverse array of physicists with different set of expertise to foment new ideas that will guide the future of the field. In particular, Light Cone 2021 will focus on the following physics topics and theoretical/experimental tools. Physics Topics * Electroweak scatterings with nuclear targets * Few- and many-body physics * Finite temperature and density QCD * Hadron structure and parton physics * High-energy experiments * Hypernuclei * Meson and baryon (N*) resonances * Neutrino physics * Nuclear structure and nuclear matter * Physics of electron-ion colliders (EICs) * Physics of B factories * Quarkonia * Spin physics * XYZ and exotic hadrons Theoretical and Experimental Tools * Coupled channels models * Effective field theories * Lattice field theory * Light-front field theories * Phenomenological models * Present and future facilities LC2021 will be held as an in-person meeting. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also offer online participation via ZOOM for those who have a trouble with international travel. The details of the conference can be found in the conference homepage which will be updated frequently.
South Korea