The International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics aims to promote scientific exchange and the development of novel ideas in science with a particular accent in interdisciplinarity. The conference will bring together worldwide experts and promising young scientists working on experimental and theoretical aspects of particle, nuclear, heavy ion and astro-particle physics and cosmology, with colleagues from other disciplines, for example, solid-state physics, mathematics, mathematical physics, quantum optics and other.
List of Workshops
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (TBC)
(Convenors: Pavel Buividovich (England), Ignat Fialkovsky (Israel), Igor Shovkovy (USA), Mikhail Zubkov (Israel))
Workshop on Physics of Exotic Nuclei (TBC)
(Convenors: Leonid Grigorenko and Boris Sharkov, Russia)
Workshop on New physics paradigms after Higgs and gravitational wave discoveries (25 - 26 August)
(Convenors: Ignatios Antoniadis, Karim Benakli)
Workshop on Higgs Physics
(Convenors: Somnath Choudhury (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC
(Convenors: Peter Senger, Germany, Alexander Sorin, Russia)
Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics
(Convenors: Laszlo Csernai, Martin Spousta)
Mini-workshop on Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
(Convenor: Evgeny Zabrodin, UiO Norway and MSU Russia)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (TBC)
(Convenors: Rachid Nouicer, Craig Woody)
Workshop on Future of Fundamental Physics (TBC)
(Convenor: Michael Koratzinos)
Workshop on Heavy Neutral Leptons (TBC)
(Convenors: Alexey Boyarsky, Oleg Ruchayskiy, Dmitry Gorbunov)
Mini-workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Physics (TBC)
(Convenor: Tommaso Dorigo, Anastasios Belias)
Workshop on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity (TBC)
(Convenors: David Blaschke, Igor Mishustin, Armen Sedrakian)
Workshop on Laser fusion, a spin-off from heavy-ion collisions
(Convenor: Laszlo Csernai, UiB, Norway)
Workshop on QCD (TBC)
(dedicated to 90th anniversary of Vladimir Gribov and 80th anniversary of Lev Lipatov and Aleksey Kaydalov)
(Convenors: Victor Fadin, Evgeny Levin, Mikhail Vysotsky)
List of Special Sessions
Special session on Lepton-Nucleus scattering and Structure of the Nucleon (TBC)
(Convenors Mina Katramatou, Kent State University, USA, Makis Petratos, Kent State University, USA)
Round Table on Future of Fundamental Physics (TBC)
Physics Education and Outreach (TBC)
(Convenor: Despoina Hatzifotiadou)
OAC conference center
73006 Crete