All publications
Here is a shortlink to the: PANDA publication list
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
RE-PRO-2024-001 | PANDA Annual Report 2023 | Report (RE) | K. Peters | 24Jun2024 | RE-PRO-2024-001.pdf |
PA-JOU-2024-001 | 4D Track Reconstruction on Free-Streaming Data at PANDA at FAIR | Paper (PA) | Jenny Taylor, Michael Papenbrock, Tobias Stockmanns, Ralf Kliemt, Tord Johansson, Adeel Akram, Karin Schönning | 11Jan2024 | PA-JOU-2024-001.pdf |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TH-PHD-2023-003 | Read-out and online processing for the Forward Tracker in HADES and PANDA | Thesis (TH) | Akshay Malige | 03Nov2023 | TH-PHD-2023-003.pdf |
TH-PHD-2023-001 | Development of fast track finding algorithms for densely packed straw tube trackers and its application to Xi(1820) hyperon reconstruction for the PANDA experiment | Thesis (TH) | Anna Alicke | 13Jun2023 | TH-PHD-2023-001.pdf |
TH-PHD-2023-002 | Towards Realistic Hyperon Reconstruction in PANDA: From Tracking with Machine Learning to Interactions with Residual Gas | Thesis (TH) | Adeel Akram | 19May2023 | TH-PHD-2023-002.pdf |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
TA-CON-2022-035 | The Münster Cluster-Jet Target for the Future PANDA Experiment | Talk (TA) | S. Vestrick, P. Brand, D. Bonaventura, H. Eick, C. Mannweiler and A. Khoukaz | 26Sep2022 | TA-CON-2022-035.pdf, TA-CON-2022-035.pdf |
TA-WKS-2022-040 | Heavy Quarkonium Spectroscopy with PANDA | Talk (TA) | Johan Messchendorp | 26Sep2022 | TA-WKS-2022-040.pdf |
TA-CON-2022-034 | Build & Deployment of the PANDA DCS system | Talk (TA) | Florian Feldbauer | 20Sep2022 | TA-CON-2022-034.pdf |
TA-CON-2022-030 | A 64 channels ASIC for the readout of the silicon strip detectors of the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector | Talk (TA) | Giovanni Mazza | 20Sep2022 | TA-CON-2022-030.txt, TA-CON-2022-030.pdf |
TA-CON-2022-027 | The PANDA Barrel DIRC | Talk (TA) | Roman Dzhygadlo | 12Sep2022 | TA-CON-2022-027.pdf |
TA-CON-2022-036 | Performance of the most recent microchannel-plate PMTs for the PANDA DIRC Detectors at FAIR | Talk (TA) | Steffen Krauss | 07Sep2022 | |
TH-PHD-2022-002 | Time for Hyperons - Development of Software Tools for Reconstructing Hyperons at PANDA and HADES | Thesis (TH) | Jenny Regina | 09Feb2022 | TH-PHD-2022-002.pdf |
TH-PHD-2022-001 | Deep Learning for Track Finding and the Reconstruction of Excited Hyperons in Proton Induced Reactions | Thesis (TH) | Waleed Esmail | 13Jan2022 | TH-PHD-2022-001.pdf |
Document ID | Title | Publication type | Author | Date | File |
MI-COM-2021-003 | PANDA Collaboration Meeting 21/3 Minutes | Minutes (MI) | Ulrich Wiedner | 30Nov2021 | MI-COM-2021-003.pdf |
TH-PHD-2021-002 | Particle Identification with the PANDA Barrel DIRC and the GlueX DIRC | Thesis (TH) | Ahmed Ali | 21Oct2021 | TH-PHD-2021-002.pdf |
TA-CON-2021-043 | PANDA@FAIR: subatomic physics with antiprotons | Talk (TA) | | 06Oct2021 | TA-CON-2021-043.pdf |
TH-PHD-2021-003 | Development of software alignment algorithms and optimization of the luminosity extraction via alignment of the PANDA luminosity detector | Thesis (TH) | Roman Klasen | 30Sep2021 | TH-PHD-2021-003.pdf |
PA-PRO-2021-002 | Overview of the PANDA Detector design at FAIR | Paper (PA) | Tassos | 09Sep2021 | PA-PRO-2021-002.pdf |
MI-COM-2021-002 | PANDA Collaboration Meeting 21/2 Minutes | Minutes (MI) | Ulrich Wiedner | 03Jul2021 | MI-COM-2021-002.pdf |
TA-DPG-2021-028 | Exploring the 3D nucleon structure with CLAS at JLAB and PANDA at FAIR | Talk (TA) | Stefan Diehl | 29Jun2021 | TA-DPG-2021-028.pdf |